
About Find a Carer

Find a Carer is an online marketplace where older Australians and people with disability can connect directly with trusted Care Support Providers.

It’s a simple, flexible, and transparent way that brings choice, freedom, and quality of life for both recipients and Care Support Providers.

We’re a Reliable Provider

As the only truly national online marketplace, with access to several thousand Carers, you are more likely to find a Carer located near you. You can confidently access a diverse community of Care Support Providers who deliver great service, time and again. We are transparent with profiles and pricing so you know what to expect.

We’re a Choice Curator

There is a range of quality, trusted carers so you can handpick the person and service that best meets your specific needs.

We’re a Trusted Advisor

We have extensive experience in disability and aged care in Australia, having been serving in both communities for nearly two decades. We have our finger on the pulse so you can rely on us for the latest information and insights.

We’re a Community Connector

Each of you bring unique life experience and expertise: let’s share openly with one another so we can all benefit!

The Journey So Far...

Australia is undergoing one of the greatest social reforms since Medicare came into effect in 1984. In the past, older Australians and people with disability seeking personal care support at home had very little choice or control. Over time, the aged care and disability support systems have become complex, costly, unwieldy and inflexible – often making life extra difficult for people attempting to navigate it all.

For the first time, we are seeing the opportunity for revolutionary change, thanks to the introduction of Consumer Directed Care (CDC) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Find a Carer is part of this revolution. For a collective 30 years, founders Rob Evers and Irena Gelman have both been actively involved in Australia’s aged care and disability support sectors.

We know from real – life experience that a simple “tweaking” of current services simply won’t solve the challenges. An entirely fresh approach is desperately needed.

We imagine a new world that combines the power of cutting-edge technology and authentic community. Find a Carer makes that new world a reality via a secure online environment connecting customers directly with trusted CareSupport Providers.

Find a Carer brings freedom

For Customers

Find Care Support Providers who meet your specific needs.

ALL Care Support Providers have been through a stringent checking and validation process.

Find valuable knowledge and relevant information, source additional services and connect with like-minded people.

For Care Support Providers

Control your own work life and balance it with family and personal life. Work when you want to, and with whom you want.

Access independent comprehensive insurance cover, professional development, financial and tax advice.

For Service Providers

Opportunity for traditional service providers to extend into the online service revolution.

Partner with Find a Carer to offer a greater degree of flexibility to your customers at a much lower cost.

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