
Working With Children Check

Working with Children check is a simple and non-intrusive way of verifying your identity for the purposes of working with children. Children are classified as people under the age of 18.

Find a Carer is committed to a high safety standard, to protect vulnerable people who will be purchasing your services through our marketplace. All care and support workers who are listed on our site and want to offer services to children, must complete a Working with Children Check process. A Working with Children check has a validity period of 3-5 years depending on the state, so if you have a current certificate, simply attach your certificate to your profile record.

Please note that the application process does attract a fee. This fee is different in each state and is clearly identified on the links below. It is also your responsibility to renew your Working with Children Check every 3-5 years and update your Find a Carer profile by attaching the new certificate. It is also your responsibility to notify us immediately on help@findacarer.com.au if you are charged or convicted of any criminal offence or any offence whatsoever involving children.

New South Wales


You will need to apply for a BLUE CARD (code BC) issued by the QLD Government. https://www.bluecard.qld.gov.au/applications/need-to-apply-for-card.html


South Australia

You will need to complete the screening process through The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion website. https://www.dcsiscreening.sa.gov.au/SCHome

Western Australia

You will need to complete the working with children check through The Western Australian Government website. https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-communities/working-children-check

Northern Territory

You will need to complete the working with children clearance through The Northern Territory Government website https://nt.gov.au/emergency/community-safety/apply-for-a-working-with-children-clearance


You will need to complete your registration to work with vulnerable people (children) through The Department of Justice. https://cbos.tas.gov.au/topics/licensing-and-registration/work-with-vulnerable-people/applications/apply


You will need to complete the working with vulnerable people registration through The Australian Capital Territory Government website. https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/business-and-work/working-with-vulnerable-people

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